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Implicit Association Testing in Marketing Research

“People don’t always do what they say, and they don’t always say what they do.”

While consumers might think they know exactly what they think or prefer, they really only have limited access to their own implicit preferences. This is one of the major obstacles that marketers face when doing market research.

In order to understand these implicit preferences more accurately, market researchers need to tap into the subconscious mind of the customer.

So, how can we tap into the consumer’s subconscious and gather deeper insights?

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The Ultimate Psychology of Music Blog - How Background Music Can Boost Sales

Just some quick fun facts.

Companies spend millions of dollars to discover the perfect amount of fizz in a soda.  Eating chips with headphones on makes the experience less enjoyable. And the louder the sound of a shutting car door is, the safer a consumer feels - which is why car manufacturers see this as a feature instead of a bug. 

What do these phenomena have in common? They highlight the importance of sound in consumer perception. But did you know that something as subtle as the sound of background music can affect your purchase decisions drastically?

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No logo, no problem? Why McDonald’s dares to advertise without a logo

Having such a strong brand, that you don’t even have to use your logo in advertising materials anymore. 

McDonald’s suggested to be such a brand. At the end of 2014, they launched their gutsy ‘no-logo’ campaign, followed by multiple similar campaigns that did not display their logo. What these advertising materials did contain? Iconic products and a minimalist design. Because, as Pete Heyes, creative director of the advertising company behind McDonald's, said, "McDonald's is a leader."

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The Ultimate Brand Asset Guide: Everything you need to know as a brand about brand assets

From Coca-Cola’s distinctive bottle shape to Nike's 'Just do it' slogan - and from Duracell's tireless rabbit to Vodafone's iconic jingle. These are all examples of distinctive brand assets.

But what exactly is a brand asset to our brain? Why are they indispensable to brands that want to grow and not let their captured market share slip away into the hands of competitors? And how can you quantify the value of brand assets to your brand?

This guide delivers answers to all these questions - and more. 

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EEG, Neuromarketing

Starting with EEG neuromarketing research? Here are three questions you should always ask your research vendor

With the upsurge of neuromarketing research, it’s more and more common for marketers to let brain waves optimize their ads, stores, products and websites. In order to do so, the research method used most often is Electroencephalography (EEG). This is a method that captures brain activity by isolating electrical activity through electrodes on the scalp.  

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EEG, Neuromarketing

A complete overview of: International Neuromarketing Companies

Do you want to know which companies play a key role in the field of neuromarketing internationally? Local (neuromarketing) research agencies can be great. But sometimes you need a research partner who has their ‘toes’ in multiple markets. Read on to find a comprehensive overview of many different neuromarketing vendors, their specialisations and techniques. 

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5 Neuromarketing Examples to Help You Create Better Commercials

We have some shocking news for you.

1 out of 5 advertisements causes a drop in sales (Jones, 1995). Think about it; you just spent millions of dollars on media budget to broadcast the perfect ad. But after several months of airtime for your masterpiece on national TV, you don't see the numbers soar. 

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EEG, Neuromarketing, eye tracking

Three neuromarketing tips to increase the impact of your folder

Folders. They are still a trusted physical medium to be able to display your assortment to the customer.

But how do you ensure that your folder is being read by the customer? How does the layout of your folder ensure that sales becomes even more attractive? In short: how does an effective folder differ from waste paper?

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